The Greydient School in Paris!
The Greydient school is approaching! It is going to be organize din Paris at the Henri Poincare Institute in April, the 15-16th 2024 Check out the school website for more info: htt
A new Newsletter!
The Greydient Newsletter number 6 is out! It includes info about our last event in Munich with TUM, the Greydient Hackathon and communication activities Check it out on our Content
A new paper is published!
The work of Paolo Ascia (ESR 8) has lead to a publication in the Journal of Mathematics in Industry. A short abstract and a link to the full paper (open access) is available in our
Newsletter 5
The fifth Newsletter is out! You can find it on our Content tab. It gives an update on the fifth event in Thessaloniki, conferences and secondment activities, the Greydient Movi an
New ESR pitch videos!
Check out our new pitch videos on the Content tab! They also are all on our Youtube channel!
Secondment activities are sprouting!
As part of their trainings the ESRs have several secondment periods planned. They consist on exchanges of several weeks with a partner university or company. It is a way for them t
The Greydient Movie!
The Greydient movie has been produced ans is available online on our Content tab and Youtube! It sums up the scope of the project in a few minutes!
Greydient recruits!
The ESR #3 position is open, if you are interested to join us, following this link to learn more and apply for it!